Camp Roberts

Well its been raining all day. I drive up here was not as pretty as before. I guess we are spoiled here. When we see heavy rain we tend to panic because were so use of beautiful weather. But I'm glad I drive a H3, the drive here was bearable with my driving. I had a CPL Faeke with me during my drive. He was ex Marine that join the National Guard as a military police, he just got back from Kosovo now he's going A-stan with me.
I noticed during my running around i see fresh faces that have never been to combat. I see the concern and fear in their faces. I guess I was like that when i was going to be deployed to Iraq. I hope they have good leadership, the National Guard don't put out too many great officers. Leading them to combat are inexperienced officers and officers trying to be heroes. And at the end dead enlisted soldiers. And if they do make out alive in combat zone, the enlisted soldiers will be screwed over with awards by the National Guard officers, they will get the bronze star but the enlisted soldiers with more trigger time will not get shit. It gets political in the enlisted and Officers world as it goes up in ranks.
Peace is not the absesence of war; it is a virtue: a state of mind; a disposition of benevolence; confidence; and justice. Baruch Spinoza
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